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The current phase of conflict in Congo started when Congolese Tutsi, Rwandan and Ugandan forces started a campaign against the Mobutu regime. The man who led this alliance, Laurent Kabila, became the self-proclaimed President of the renamed Democratic Republic of Congo. Two years later, a new war has broken out. Kabila stands accused of having become a dictator. Meanwhile the country has driven more into poverty. The continuing war has used up most resources and the infrastructure, especially the health sector is facing major problems. The photo essay shows the situation inside the Ngaliema hospital in Kinshasa and in different health posts in the rural Bandundu region. The German Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) is also running a blood transfusion project in Kinshasa.

main road to Kenge OT in Ngaliema hospital
Dressing room in OPD Pont Quango


Registration for blood donation Kitchen for Patients
OT Ngaliema

Hemoglobine test quantitativ

Blood donation
Anestesia in Ngaliema
Reusage of examination gloves
Hospital lab
MONUC headquaters
Supervision of lab staff



All images are copyright of Wim van der Helm, Berlin 2022 and should not be reproduced without permission. All rights reserved under international and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
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